Pre-Booking Form

Tell us about your cats before they stay

Pre-Booking Form (Boarding Sheet)

Thank you for filling out our pre-booking form. Please fill in this form before your cats stay with us if you are a new customer or a returning customer needing to update details.

If you are filling this form as a first point of contact, please do not assume your space is booked. You must wait until you hear back from us to confirm the booking or not.

Before your cat’s stay:

  • Check your cat’s vaccination record is up to date. If you are unsure, please contact your cat’s vet.
  • We would recommend treating your cats for fleas before their stay, for your own peace of mind.
  • If your cat does not have up to date vaccinations we may not be able to board your cat.

If you are unsure or need to ask any questions please get in touch before your cat’s stay.

    1. Owners Details

    Primary Owner Name

    Second Owner Name

    Contact Details

    2. Emergency Contact Details

    Note that you can use yourself as the emergency contact. Please re-enter your details if you would like to be contacted in an emergency.

    3. Dates of your cats stay

    Please tell us what dates you would like to enquire about. We will contact you with availability.

    4. About your Cat(s)

    Cat 1

    Cat 2

    Add a Second Cat?

    Cat 3

    Add a Third Cat?

    Cat 4

    Add a Fourth Cat?

    Cat(s) Diet

    5. Veterinary Details and Insurance

    Please note that all cats in our care are covered by our own insurance policy (this excludes pre-existing medical conditions). If your pet is insured, we may ask for the name of the insurer and policy number in case of an emergency.

    6. Terms and Conditions of Service*

    I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. I authorise Brankley Cattery to board my cat(s). The full terms and conditions can be found by visiting

    Yes I Agree to the full Terms and Conditions of Service