Meet the Brankley Cattery Team

(P.s. We all love cats!)

We are a team of animal lovers

We love all animals at Brankley Cattery, your cats are in safe hands under our care.



Animal Enthusiast

Likes - Dog walks, animal keeping, talking, going to the pub and eating out.

Dislikes - Bad service at restaurants, sitting still & getting to the last chalet and finding no poop scoop!!

Jason loves all animals and aspects of animal keeping. He currently has:

Barney - Poodle X Maltese
Brock + Blaze - Working Sprockers
Pair of peacocks.

Jason has a level 3 award in Feline Behaviour & Psychology.



Blanket Fluffer

Likes - Horses, dressage, cats, Tia-Maria & marzipan!

Dislikes - Untidiness, Jason (haha) & Thierry Mugler Angel perfume.

Jayne has a black Hanoverian mare called DJ.

She also has

Poop - Senior Bengal
Chunk - Grey + white DSH
Diddy - White + grey DSH
Dave - Grey DSH

Winnie + Fred - Toy Poodles

Jayne has a level 3 award in Feline Behaviour & Psychology.



Supreme Cat Owner

Likes - Cats, cat shows, Japan, food + YouTube.

Dislikes - Salad, daddy long legs and traffic!

Kate has 5 cats of her own.

Bilbo - Blue BSH
Django -Silver Tipped BSH
Harley - Spotted Oriental Shorthair
Vinnie - Bi-colour Oriental Shorthair
Weeb - Black DSH

Kate started showing her British Shorthair cats in 2016, moving on to show Oriental Shorthairs a year later. Her first Oriental was titled Grand Premier Hemlock Harley Quinn (in the photograph).
Vinnie, her second Oriental went on to become Supreme Neuter Grand Premier Hemlock Jiggery-Pokery. He achieved this impressive title by beating every other neutered cat of all breeds in the Supreme Cat Show at the NEC. All of Kate’s cats are now enjoying a retired show career.

Kate has a level 3 award in Feline Behaviour and Psychology.



Cat Nanna

Likes - Cats, Cows, AC/DC, being a vegetarian (since she was 11yrs old), & birds.

Dislikes - Technology, weeding, dentists, meat and ABBA.

Sue has a level 3 award in Feline Behaviour & Psychology.


Likes - Music, Cats, Dogs, Horses, Outdoors + Classic FM

Kay previously worked at the RSPCA caring for a variety of animals whilst they looked for new homes. She has undertaken different RSPCA certified courses on animal welfare and husbandry. Kay has a border collie named Mitch.

Please contact us to check availability

Opening Hours for Drop Off & Collection: 9:30am – 11am

Call: 01283 711525 Email us Pre-Booking Form